Which Material Best Fits Biophilic Design... Natural Stone or Man-Made Stone?

In the context of Biophilic design, both natural stone and man-made stone materials are perceived in different ways. One way to decide which material best fits Biophilic design principles is to compare the words used to describe the core attributes of each one, all within the context of Biophilic design.

Natural Stone:


Natural stone has a unique ability to ground a space, connecting it to the earth's natural energy. Its solid presence and tactile qualities provide a sense of stability and rootedness, creating a foundation that instills a feeling of security and comfort.


Natural stone carries a sense of calmness and tranquility, reflecting the slow and steady passage of time evident in its formation. Its smooth or rugged textures, combined with its subtle variations in color and pattern, evoke a serene atmosphere that promotes relaxation and well-being.


Each piece of natural stone bears the marks of its geological history, showcasing the raw beauty of nature's craftsmanship. Its imperfections, such as veining, fissures, or variations in color, lend it an authenticity that resonates with human experiences and memories, creating a sense of connection to the natural world.


Natural stone possesses an inherent life energy that is both tangible and intangible. Whether it's the warmth radiating from a sunlit marble floor or the coolness of a granite countertop, its thermal properties can influence the perceived energy within a space. Additionally, the visual impact of natural stone—its colors, patterns, and textures—can evoke emotional responses and stimulate the senses, infusing a space with vitality and life.


Natural stone is believed by some to possess balancing properties that harmonize the energy flow within a space. Whether it's through the principles of feng shui or other holistic approaches to design, natural stone is often incorporated to create a sense of equilibrium and harmony, promoting a positive energy flow and enhancing the overall well-being of occupants.

Man-Made Stone:

Versatility and Customization

Man-made stone materials offer a high degree of versatility and customization, allowing for precise control over color, texture, and pattern. This flexibility can enable designers to achieve specific design objectives and create spaces that reflect their vision and creativity.

Consistency and Predictability

Man-made stone materials offer consistency in appearance, with uniform color, pattern, and texture across different batches. This predictability can be advantageous for projects where visual consistency is important, ensuring a cohesive design aesthetic.

Technical Properties

Man-made stone materials are often engineered to possess specific technical properties, such as durability, stain resistance, and ease of maintenance. These practical benefits can enhance the functionality of a space and contribute to its overall performance and longevity.


Depending on the manufacturing process and materials used, man-made stone materials can offer advantages in terms of sustainability and environmental impact. Options made from recycled materials or utilizing eco-friendly production methods can align with the ecological principles of biophilic design.

Ultimately, the choice between natural stone and man-made stone for Biophilic design projects depends on factors such as design goals, project requirements, sustainability considerations, and personal preferences.

However, there is only one material that truly speaks the language of Biophilic design: Natural Stone.